Sensory Integration Programs

Our sensory integration programs meet the needs of children who have difficulties with modulating sensory input which affects their daily functioning at home, school or in the community. Some of these concerns or difficulties might include:

  • Unusual sensitivity to clothing or self-care
  • Unable to sit still
  • Appears clumsy or awkward
  • Easily disturbed by loud noises
  • Poor body awareness
  • Bothered by messy hands or messy face
  • Often uses more force (or less force) than needed
  • Frequently bumps into people or objects
  • Difficulty transitioning between places or activities
  • Aversion to different textures
  • Picky eater
  • Exhibits a strong need for control

At Step by Step Institute we are well equipped with the latest tools and strategies and offer a variety of Sensory and Motor treatment options to help your child. These options can range from periodic consultation to weekly individual interventions.

Our sensory processing assessment consists of an initial 60-minute session with the child and parent(s) and a 60-minute parent meeting.

Handwriting Improvement

We also assist your child in developing age-appropriate hand functions and writing skills.
  • Does your child complain when it's time to write?
  • Has your child's teacher brought forward concerns about his/her writing?
  • Have fine motor concerns/handwriting been identified previously?
  • Do you notice that your child writes his/her letters from the bottom up?
  • Are you concerned that your child's handwriting is slowing down his/her ability to put thoughts on paper?
  • Hand dominance is not yet set?
Prior to assessment we ask you or your child’s teacher to complete a questionnaire. The assessment session, lasting up to 60 minutes, will consist of standardized testing to identify your child's areas of need. You will receive the assessment summary, recommendations and treatment options stating:
  • Types of suitable therapy interventions (duration and frequency),
  • Task and activities that the child can perform to improve handwriting skillset,
  • Best strategic approaches suitable for your child to mitigate any resistance to handwriting,
  • Appropriate tools and equipment most compatible with your child’s ability.