Schools are the natural and unique environment from which we can provide support and effective treatment programs. We deliver evidence based interventions, remove barriers to learning, working closely and collaborate with school staff for treatment planning. This way the therapeutic interventions are more likely to be effective and produce positive outcomes when integrating aspects of treatment into the school context.

Our specialist teachers, occupational therapists and speech & language therapists provide comprehensive assessments, establish an individualized plan for the student and provide support and adaptations to school environment. Depending on individual needs, a student may only require services for a specific duration. As the student’s ability to participate in the school environment improves gradually, our team will monitor the intervention plan, make amendments when needed and finally determine if service should be less frequent or discontinued.

Our school based services include but not limited to following:
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Motor Skills Intervention
  • Sensory Integration Plans
  • Behaviour Intervention Plans
  • Social Skills intervention
  • Academic support
  • Intervention Plans for Specific Learning Difficulties
  • Teacher support and training
  • School workshops