1:1 Intervention Programs

These sessions are 1:1 (1 tutor or therapist for 1 child). Our specialist teachers and therapists are licensed by Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and highly trained. The 1:1 specialist teacher or therapist will initially assess on your child’s needs and strengths and collect data on skill acquisition. An individualized program with goals established based on this data will be shared with you. Your child’s performance is monitored, thoroughly analysed and updated on a monthly basis and a progress report will be shared every three months. Sometime we assign more than 1 dedicated teacher and therapist in your child’s programme, so that generalization can be achieved.

Group Intervention Programs

All groups programmes are inclusive, meaning that we provide specialized teachers, support teachers as well as Speech and Language therapists and Occupational therapists work together using a holistic and targeted intervention program in order to meet your child’s needs and improve his/her skill sets. You child will be assigned to a group of other students with similar functioning skills and will have hi/her own individualized educational plan taking under consideration his strengths and weaknesses as well as the family’s individual needs.
This service includes:
  • A highly trained specialist teacher and support teacher who are responsible for the daily implementation of the programme.
  • An Individualized Educational Plan based on your child’s strengths and needs which includes goals from a comprehensive curriculum that covers all areas of development.
  • Baseline assessment and monthly/ tri-monthly progress reports
  • Weekly individual sessions on learning and academic skills, speech and language and occupational therapy
  • Weekly group sessions on learning/academic skills, speech and language therapy and occupational therapy
  • Parents training to ensure consistency and generalization of skills
The group intervention programs are available as:
  • Basic intervention program
  • Intensive group intervention program
  • Customized Multidisciplinary group intervention
Please contact us for a free consultation session and more information regarding our intervention packages.